Auction: 19034 - The Treaty Ports of the Shanghai Postal System - Part II
Lot: 2069
Agency of the Shanghai Local Post
Postmarks - Datestamp: A selection on page showing the postmark in blue-black including pairs (3); includes 1893 (24 May) on pair of ½c. on 5c. vermilion (the earliest recorded use on postage stamps) and 1895 (2 Mar.) on pair of ½c. (very late use on Shanghai stamps). A good group. (12)
單圈廈門代辦所日期戳銷於上海工部票一組十二枚: 包括有雙連票(3), 戳色為藍黑1893年5月24日銷於半分蓋於五分雙連票(銷於郵票上之最早記錄), 1895年3月2日銷於銀半分雙連票(銷於上海工部票的晚期例).
HK$3,000 to HK$4,000