Auction: 19002 - Orders, Decorations and Medals
Lot: 4
The Seringapatam Medal attributed to Lieutenant-Colonel P. Dallas
Honourable East India Company's Medal for Seringapatam 1799, gilt, fitted with swivel suspension and riband buckle, the disc in an old swivel mount and traces of previous lunettes, very fine, housed in an old frame
Sold together with an old letter, stating:
'This was awarded to Peter Dallas, fourth son of William Dallas of North Newton and Barbara Cockburn. Peter Dallas entered the service of the E. India Coy & became a Lt. Col. in the Army. Died unmarried 26th Jan 1806 (at Seringapatam). The medal evidently passed to his brother Charles (Governor of St. Helena) from whom I am descended.
The above was written by Dolores Alexander (my mother) who was born on 19 March 1897 and died in Natal, South Africa on 24th June 1994. PMP Harare 7 May 1995.'
An article entitled 'An inherited ancestor's Medal' was published in Journal of the Zimbabwe Medal Society, No. 59, September 2007. All housed in a file of research.
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