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Auction: 18038 - Autographs, Historical Documents, Ephemera and Postal History
Lot: 3099

J.B. Priestley
1945 Typed letter signed on notepaper headed "J.B.Priestly, B4 Albany W.1" with envelope franked 2½d. addressed to Canada.

"I am very glad you found the old letter of eight years ago, more especially as "Midnight on the Desert" owing to our acute paper shortage has been out of print in this country for several years…I hope that since you read it, you have been able to make the acquaintance of Dunne's books, and I would also advise you, if you have not already done so, to read, with the close attention that they deserve, the major books of Jung, the Swiss psychologist, who seems to me to have one of the profoundest and most fruitful minds of our time.

We have not been able to leave this country since the war began, and all my family miss acutely the great spaces of Arizona.
". Photo

J.B. Priestley (1894 - 1984) English born novelist, playright, broadcaster and social commentator.

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£80 to £100