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Auction: 175 - The Double Head & Admiral Stamps of Rhodesia e-Auction
Lot: 114

5d Admiral balance of study of printings and shades, consisting of mint (24) and used (15) singles as well as four pairs and multiples, written-up and mounted following the RSC Handbook by Stephen Reah-Johnson, many identified as to plate position or possessing other distinctive attributes, note Die I mint showing the "Sloping Line" variety, Die I with centrally-struck Fort Jameson double-circle, mint and used examples Die II showing the "Final BILCO" variety, a scarce used example of the Die IIIA, mint Die IIB showing the position 56 misalignment (ex-O'Connell), Die IIIB used showing the distinctive "Fuzzy Portrait", Die IIIB showing unusual barbs and spurs on King's forehead (ex-O'Connell), an attractive mint Die IIIB Plate 9A marginal block of four, many very fine examples throughout, an ideal group for the specialist.


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