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Auction: 160 - The Henry "Hap" Pattiz Collection of Nepal
Lot: 2263

Hellrigl #4, 1a Ultramarine on European wove paper, imperforate, setting 1, fresh single with full large margins all around, tied to the front of 1881cover by blue Kalaiya I hexigonal cancel, on the reverse is a matching blue Kalaiya circular date stamp with date corresponding to June 16, 1881, black Kathmandu classic datestamp on arrival (Hellrigl type 5), very fine and especially attractive with colored cancel that Hellrigl did not believe was used before 1883; a very early usage on European wove paper being earliest recorded usage of the Imperforate stamps (see Hellrigl/Vignola, page 67 footnote), (Scott #4, S.G. #4).

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