Auction: 160 - The Henry "Hap" Pattiz Collection of Nepal
Lot: 2097
Hellrigl #11d, e 1889-98 1a Dark blue, later printings on native paper of good quality, imperforate, complete sheet of 64, setting 9, unused without gum as issued, this is a key setting with four inverted cliches in positions 52, 59, 62 and 63, with 63 being found in this setting only, attractive color with a typical fairly clear impression of these later printings on good quality native paper, includes the numerous plate flaws occurring in this value, one light horiz. fold between the center rows, light foxing virtually all in the sheet selvages, otherwise very fine; a very rare sheet being one of only two known and the only intact sheet the other being in a lighter shade and reconstructed from sizable blocks it was cut into; an excellent exhibition sheet (Scott #7,a; $1,860.00+; S.G. #10, a; £1,528+).
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