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Auction: 12029 - Specialised Cayman Islands featuring the Graham Booth and John Byl Collections
Lot: 170

Cayman Islands A mint range comprising 1902-03 CA 1/2d. interpanneau block of ten (5x2), 1d. Plate 1 right pane of sixty, and 2 1/2d. marginal block of six; 1905 MCA 1/2d., 1d. (corner with plate number) and 6d. blocks of four, 2 1/2d. block of twelve (3x4) and 6d. with plate number; and 1907-09 MCA 1/2d., 1d. blocks of nine and four (Plates 1 and 2), 2 1/2d. blocks of twelve (2, one being the lower two rows of left pane), corner plate blocks of six and four, blocks of four (2), corner plate pair and a single, 3d. blocks of twelve and four (2, one with plate number) and a plate number single), 4d. block of four, 6d. pair and a 1/-; also seven stamps with "specimen" overprint; fine mint. Cat. £1560+ Estimate £ 500-600

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