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Auction: 12009 - The Magnus Collection, Ancient, English & Foreign Coins and Commemorative Medals
Lot: 620

Stepney, East Smithfield, Richard Berry – child´s cradle, Nathaniell Burbidge, 1/2d. 1666 – woolpack, O. Copping [and] I/J. North, 1649 – half moon and sugarloaf/three doves, George Hickes – swan, Arther Hunt, 1/2d. 1666 – roll of ?tobacco, J[ohn] Hutton [and] G. Jerard – half moon and stick of candles/wheatsheaf, Jefery Langham, mele/man, Thomas Roberts – half moon and stick of candles/three doves with olive branches, Walter Willford, 1/2d. 1666 – Tallow Chandlers´ arms, G. P., the new qveenes head – bust of Elizabeth I, R. T. at the old prins – facing, bearded bust, E. A. at the old princ – similar to previous, R. C. at the 3 svgar loves – three sugarloaves conjoined, P. S. at the 2 dramen – men carrying barrel on pole, W. A. at the 2 dra men – similar to previous (N.8179-80, 8182, 8186, 8188-90, 8192, 8199, 8205-6, 8208, 8210-12; BW.905, 907, 913, 928, D.928B, BW. 929, 933, 945, 957, 940, 949, 919, 908, D.946A, BW.901), fair to nearly very fine, BW.928 and 919 rare, BW.907 very rare, BW.905, 940, D.928B and 946A extremely rare, BW.933 exceedingly rare (15) Estimate £ 200-250 Osmond Copping, haberdasher, will 1663; Thomas Roberts, tallowchandler, fl. 1650-61.

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