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Auction: 12009 - The Magnus Collection, Ancient, English & Foreign Coins and Commemorative Medals
Lot: 605

Holborn, Gray´s Inn Lane, James Cole, peice broker, 1/2d., Lydia Dunwell at ye, flask with two handles, 1/2d. 1668, John Farmer, 1/2d. – man making candles, Timothey Halsey – man making candles, Humphrey Wigan, 1/2d. 1663 – harrow, Robert Kemble, baker at the starr, 1/2d. 1667 – star; Great Queen Street, Thomas Tanner, 1/2d. 1668 – anchor with horseshoe; Hatton Garden, John Ball at the, King´s head, 1/2d. 1666, John Slater at ye ewe and lambe, 1/2d. 1668 – ewe and lamb, Richard Shipton at the still, 1/2d. – still (N.8049-51, 8054-5, 8059, 8063-4, 8071, 8073; BW.1244, 1246, 1247, 1250, 1255, 1252, 1266, 1318, 1331, 1330), last mediocre, the others fair to nearly very fine; BW.1244, 1318 and 1331 very rare, BW.1246, 1250, 1266 and 1330 extremely rare (10) Estimate £ 150-180 A piece broker dealt in remnants of cloth for repairing clothes etc.

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