Auction: 11007 - Orders, Decorations, Campaign Medals & Militaria
Lot: 202
x Five: Captain W. Keily, Bengal Veteran Establishment, Late Sergeant Major 1st Light Cavalry and Gunner, Artillery Army of India 1799-1826, long hyphen reverse die type, one clasp, Bhurtpoor (Gunner W. Reily [sic] Regt. of Arty.), officially engraved in running script, India; Cabul 1842, suspension re-affixed, naming details erased, with scroll suspension; Maharajpoor Star 1843 (Serg Major W. Keily 1st Regt Light Cavalry), with original brass rivets and contemporary silver ornate scroll suspension bar; Sutlej 1845-46, for Ferozeshuhur, one clasp, Sobraon (Serjt. W: Kieley [sic] Commt. Dept.); Indian Mutiny 1857-58, no clasp (Captn. Wm. Keily Veteran Esce.), last contemporarily renamed in running script, contact marks throughout, generally nearly very fine or better (5) Estimate £ 1,400-1,800 Captain William Keily, commissioned Bengal Veteran Establishment, 31.5.1852, War Services of Officers of The Bengal Army, 1863, gives the following, ´Lieutenant Keily served at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore, ´25, ´26 (Medal). With the Force in Afghanistan, under General Pollock. Present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, and in all subsequent operations leading to the occupation of Cabul, including those in the Mazeena Valley (Medal). Present at the battle of Maharajpore. (Bronze Star). Served during the Campaign on the Sutlej, including the actions of Ferozeshuhur and Sobraon. (Medal and clasp).´ ´Keily´ or ´Reily´ does not appear on the published transcription of the Army of India Medal Roll, however, this is not unusual for a medal claimed in India. This also appears to be the case for his Indian Mutiny Medal, probably due to similar circumstances.
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