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Auction: CSS103B - Chinese Banknotes and Coins
Lot: 1009

Central Bank of China, a group of 20x, 1930-48 Customs Gold Unit Issues, including,
-Year 19, 5 (2), 10 (2), 20 (2), 50 (1), 100 (2), 250 (2), 500 (1),
-Year 36, 500 (1), 2000 (3), 5000 (2), 10000 (2),
(Pick 326, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332, 336, 341, 344, 360, 363, 347, 354), various conditions, viewing recommended (20)

民國十九至三十七年中央銀行關金券一組20枚,包括: 民國十九年伍圓、拾圓、貳拾圓各2枚,伍拾圓1枚,壹佰及貳佰伍拾圓各2枚,伍佰圓壹枚, 民國三十五年伍佰圓2枚,貳仟圓3枚,伍仟圓2枚,壹萬圓2枚,及 民國三十七年伍仟圓, 混合品相,建議預覽

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